
These PDFs help you to test how accurately your printer aligns on the paper. Just print a page and measure the distances as given in the document.

The ZIP file contains PDFs for DIN A4 as well as US letter paper and measurements are in inches and millimeters.

My curriculum vita and a small portfolio of my work. Made with and TikZ. The ZIP includes PDFs in English and German and all sources.

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The booklet Dekonstruiert (Deconstructed) has the subtitle “A Journey to the Details” and deals with all aspects of book production. You can see some images on the page about illustration. The booklet is written in German.

An example showing the different font sizes available in a document. Furthermore it explains how to set custom font sizes and a problem you might encounter and how to solve it.

This paper is the handout to a talk I held together with Cheng-Cheng Wang in a course about typography at the University of Applied Science Bielefeld. It is about the foreign script of the Chinese language. The text is written in German.

This ZIP file contains two PDFs of which one was generated with MS Word and the other one with . Apart from some minor changes to get the same page layout both PDFs show the default output. The text is in German, but you can see the differences anyway.

The list should help to get an idea of the amout of work, when recieving files of a project for professional typesetting. (Only in German.)

Source on GitHub

This PDF shows a (uncommented) comparison of the typesetting algorithms in InDesign, and Word.

Source on GitHub

An example showing and comparing all units that are avialable in .

Source on GitHub

This ZIP file contains two templates for Adobe InDesign CC for letterheads according to DIN  5008. I created them with my best knowledge but can not guarantee there are no mistakes. The helping texts and labels in the templates are in German.